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BIPV Solar Panels - The Latest in Green Building Technology

BIPV solar panels are an emerging green building technology that enables building envelopes to act as energy generators, cutting back on external sources while potentially lowering electricity bills for their owners. BIPV panels come from the idea that instead of retrofitting existing structures with multifunctional materials to generate onsite power, such as solar panels tacked onto existing ones, buildings should instead be designed and constructed from multipurpose components which generate power directly onsite and help reduce carbon footprint and dependence. Furthermore, this reduces dependence on external energy sources which fluctuate depending on external sources while potentially cutting electricity bills by potentially cutting dependence from external energy providers thereby helping reduce dependence as well as carbon footprint and making building owners more resiliency against fluctuation price changes while potentially cutting electricity bills overall!
While several companies currently provide BIPV modules, many remain in their experimental stage and licensed professionals must design and install them for best results. Given its relative novelty, it is also crucial that all those involved with any BIPV project be well trained and licensed as each element must work cohesively together for successful operation and repair.
Due to BIPV's flexible nature and ability to be integrated into nearly any type of building, its industry is growing quickly. As manufacturing processes are refined and costs come down, architects and developers find this an attractive choice.
Step one of incorporating building-integrated photovoltaics is determining where you will locate your modules. While traditionally solar panels have been mounted onto rooftops, more recently their integration has become increasingly popular.
BIPV panels have become increasingly popular on balconies and terraces for use as both privacy screens and sources of electricity, or integrated into greenhouses and agricultural spaces to help offset operational costs while simultaneously increasing sustainability. Most interestingly though, highway noise barriers equipped with PV can become power generators to reduce pollution while simultaneously cutting operating costs.
As part of selecting a BIPV solution, it's also worth taking a close look at whether hybrid solar systems could benefit the building. These combine the thermal functions of traditional crystalline modules with semi-transparent thin-film PV panels, offering designers more design freedom to create unique daylighting features on facades and roofs as well as reduce cooling loads, glare reduction, as well as preheating ventilation make-up air in cold climates.

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